Male potency

Male potency – how to help it?

Problems with potency have a huge impact on psyche and self-esteem. Male potency is a complex “concept”. It is influenced by many factors. In case of problems with it, the following solutions will be useful.

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Male potency – what lowers it

This is where the fight to raise your libido should start. Knowing the causes of the problem makes it much easier to solve it. Knowing why there has been a decrease in the potency, you will be able to effectively counteract it. Raise your libido. There are many factors that can contribute to a decrease in male potency. But there are some of the most common reasons for the loss of libido.

What affects male potency:

  • Age (the older body starts to fail to some extent)
  • Lifestyle
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Excess stimulants (with particular reference to alcohol)
  • Excessive stress
  • Systemic diseases
  • Depression
  • Problems in relationships


So we have already known the reasons. It is time for solutions that will support male potency. The shame of not standing up to the task is very often a brake is no action. We can change it at home.

Male potency – change of diet

That is where to start. A men’s diet, let’s not fool ourselves, is very often just unhealthy. It has a negative impact on the functioning of the whole body. And this has a huge impact on libido as well. And it is the change of diet that will be the first step to save the latter.

It will be based on two pillars. The first is a very concrete change. First of all, everything that is unhealthy must fly out of the diet, maily fat and indigestible dishes. As far as possible, highly processed products must disappear from the menu. A diet that supports male potency should be full of vegetables. Secondly, high-protein products and those that have complex carbohydrates should be eliminated as well as Omega fatty acids (fish, nuts, etc.). And this is how the menu should look like in order to support the male potency.

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In addition, it’s worth betting on some specific products that support the libido themselves. Of course, we are talking about aphrodisiacs. This group includes seafood, some spices (such as cardamom, saffron), fruit (bananas, watermelons, peaches) and legumes. All have a more or less positive effect on male libido. [1]

Male potency – lifestyle change

Diet is one of the steps to be taken but not the only one. Changing lifestyles is, above all, more active. Gentlemen, there’s nothing to fool around with. When you’re over thirty, you usually change to your lifestyle. Work and a lack of physical exercises are basic sins. The result is overweight and weakened condition. And that affects the potency. Therefore, if you want to strengthen it, you have to take care of the right dose of movement. Visiting the gym is a good idea, but not the only one. In fact, it’s all about regular activity. This is how you can strengthen your body and thus support your potency.

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Changing your lifestyle is also a critical look at yourself in the context of the mentioned drugs. Cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse are an easy way to deal with libido problems and erectile dysfunction. And this, if you want to increase your potency, is a necessary step. It is best to reduce stimulants as much as possible.

Herbs to support male potency

Some of them act as aphrodisiacs, but they are a separate group of ways to raise men’s libido. These plants also have additional properties. So which herbs support male potency?

  • Ginseng is one of the most frequently mentioned plants in the context of libido enhancement. It is also a very strong aphrodisiac. Ginseng has a positive effect on potency and also supports the work of the circulatory system. The latter is very important for erection. This plant helps to strengthen it very much and reduce disorders associated with it. [2]
  • Maca root – another very often mentioned herb in the context of supporting male libido. It contains minerals and vitamins essential for potency. It also increases the sex drive. Maca root improves sexual activity.
  • Lübeck is one of the most popular aphrodisiacs. It is also available in Polish meadows and fields. Lubczyk is a plant used in folk medicine for centuries. It has many interesting properties. Thanks to the content of many essential oils, it positively influences the blood supply to the genitals. It increases the sexual experience.
  • Ground mace – One of the strongest natural ways to support male potency and influence erection. Ground mace is a plant containing very large amounts of vitamins and elements important for the male body.
  • Guarana – this, in turn, affects a slightly different aspect than those mentioned above. However, it is not without significance from the point of view of sexual life. The cause of problems with the latter is very often stress and a lack of energy. Guarana naturally allows to get rid of both problems. –

Supplements for male potency – how to choose the best one?

Many men use such help. Although they are still hiding because they consider it a shame. However, on the Internet, mainly in Internet forums, they anonymously share their thoughts and experiences about choosing a libido supplement. What do men usually pay attention to?

First of all, obviously, the composition. Over the past few years, there has been no small revolution in this aspect. More and more solutions are based on natural ingredients. Safe and free of side effects. Products that helped (although not always, but this is another matter) and harmed at the same time.

Potency tablets available on the market

When choosing tablets for potency, it is worth to study the label carefully. In terms of individual ingredients, as well as their concentration. The latter is extremely important from the point of view of the operation of such a product.

The second aspect that men who decide on such help pay attention to is the mentioned safety. Good pills for male potency are not only to help solve problems, but above all not to harm. The third issue, which is to some extent related to safety is how to buy such a product. The most frequently repeated tip is to use only proven sources. Buying any products from suspicious advertisements or internet auctions is “asking” for problems. At best, we will come across a fraudster and only lose a few hundred dollars.

When it comes to a specific product recommended by men, Eron Plus appears most often. These are tablets for male potency and erectile dysfunction based entirely on natural ingredients (including maca root and ground mace). It is fully safe and free of side effects. It is a product with appropriate certificates, which allow it to be marketed on the very restrictive European Union market in this respect. More information can be found on the official website of the manufacturer:

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  1. Zheng J, Zheng S, Feng Q, Zhang Q, Xiao X. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications. Biosci Rep. 2017;37(3):BSR20170286. Published 2017 May 11. doi:10.1042/BSR20170286
  2. Leung KW, Wong AS. Ginseng and male reproductive function. Spermatogenesis. 2013;3(3):e26391. doi:10.4161/spmg.26391
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