How to get rid of bags under the eyes

How to get rid of bags under the eyes?

Anyone who has dealt with bags under the eyes knows how irritating this problem is. First of all, they make the complexion look significantly old, even by several years. They make us look less physically attractive to other people. The bags under the eyes are associated with gloomy and tired people who cannot sleep well. I have even heard of cases when managers have dismissed their subordinates because of the bags under the eyes they considered them less concentrated, weakened.

bags under the eyes

However, this is a rather extreme example. Not surprisingly, many people try to get rid of them at all costs, with different results. There are many ways to fight bags under the eyes. As usual, some are more effective than others. Not every method can be used in a given case. Sometimes bags under the eyes are the result of kidney problems, then standard procedures will not help. Let us reject extreme cases and deal with ordinary cases. In the article, a few ways to fight bags under the eyes will be described.
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Table of content

  1. Prevention of bags under the eyes
  2. Home solutions for bags under the eyes
  3. Products for fighting bags under the eyes

Prevention of bags under the eyes

The easiest way to fight bags under the eyes is, of course, preventing them by changing your lifestyle. First of all, you should sleep well. I do not mean eight hours of sleep at once because hardly anyone can afford this luxury. Sleep just enough to feel rested and certainly the traces under the eyes will begin to disappear. Diet is also important. Make sure you take the right dose of vitamins A and D as well as magnesium. Eat a lot of fruit and fish. Try to keep your metabolism constantly stimulated and drink lots of water. (1)

Prevention of bags under the eyes

Home solutions for bags under the eyes

Many people choose to treat bags under the eyes using home remedies. Some have been known for years and others are the result of the recent research. This type of treatment is completely safe. The most commonly used home method is tea or green cucumber compresses, especially if the bags are the result of a lack of sleep. Ice packs may also be helpful. Herbal therapy also brings effects in the treatment. In the past, chamomile compresses were commonly used and it turns out that this method can bring really surprising results. Herbalists recommend Ginkgo biloba or pansies today. It is worth looking at the effects of individual herbal infusions.

Home solutions for bags under the eyes

Pay attention to those that allow you to improve the condition of the skin, they should also act on bags under the eyes. Before starting the treatment, however, make sure that the product does not cause accidental irritation, it would be especially dangerous around the eyes. (2)

Products for fighting bags under the eyes

Natural methods are great but they cannot be as effective as those available at pharmacies. However, we do not have to completely reject the achievements of natural medicine. In my opinion, a great way to combine the effects of nature and the latest discoveries is to use products, the formula of which is based only on natural ingredients. As a result, they will be completely safe, and will provide better results due to the high concentration of active ingredients. On the market you will find dozens of measures to help you fight bags under the eyes. They are in the form of creams, gels, infusions or tablets.
collagen selectAccording to many, the best product in this category is Revitol Eye Cream. It eliminates any discoloration on the eyelids and around the eyes quickly and effectively, and additionally, removes all wrinkles or other signs of skin aging. Deeply moisturizes the skin, it will look young like never before. In Revitol Eye Cream we find as many as four active ingredients, including extremely effective bisabolol and chrysin.

  1. Seidel R, Moy RL. | Reduced appearance of under-eye bags with twice-daily application of epidermal growth factor (EGF) serum: a pilot study. | J Drugs Dermatol. 2015 Apr;14(4):405-10.
  2. Bags under eyes | Jan. 26, 2018 |
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